Cold Call Script Examples

Here are some example scripts for cold calling. Empathetic & non-hypey. Bust thru the noise & disarm them w/ a calm demeanor, ultra-clear self introduction, "problem agitation," and value overview.

I've done like 20,000 cold calls, probably way more.

I started when I was doing fundraising for the alumni association at UCSC when I was a freshman in college. That was my job during my first few semesters. In my junior year I cold called magazine publishers while working for Media Alliance in SF.

Later, I called on probably 5,000 local businesses (at least) and ultimately into enterprise software companies and the Fortune 500.

What you can learn about cold calling.

Look, I made a lot of cash; and it's so great because the harder you work, the more you make. But it can be totally humiliating and degrading. It's like how much rejection can you take. Resilience is part of the required set of competencies for sales. And brand new scripts can help you be more resilient ("lean on" the script) – when your energy is low, your feet are dragging – but you need to keep grinding.

Use a goddamn script, ya dingus!

"Awwww, but Mom! … Scripts make me sound robotic and fake."

A script doesn't "sound" anything. It's the PERFORMER who brings a script alive, or delivers it flat and sounds artificial. Also, do you think you are going get anything perfect the first time you do it? … Come on, you're a professional. Practice by doing.

"Scripts are fine for beginners, but I've been selling for 15 years, and I've been here for 3. I think I know how to sell by now."

Ok big boy. So you're just DONE learning & improving now. Then why aren't you exceeding your quota? Why aren't you retired. So you're making all the money you need to make? You're gonna get lapped by the young guns who don't look plump in their dockers like you do, chief.

But "I would never say that," or "You don't understand my industry, and my prospects don't respond to those types of phrases."

Trying new things means getting out of your comfort zone. And LISTENING to how your prospects & personas react to the things you are saying that are new to you – but top salespeople probably say all the time.

At any company there's a salesperson who is the top producer, and in order to be the best, they are doing & saying stuff that you aren't. At one point, for them, certain words felt new and unnatural. But now they are killing it because they adjusted their pitch. With. New. Scripts.

… (and by "pitch" I mean everything: discovery questions, value statements, objection responses, transitions, etc.)

You're actually already using a cold call script every day, whether you admit it or not.

Your sales habits and your habitual language patterns are your script. And just like the gym, you can't expect different or better results by doing the same thing you've always done.

If you are not willing to try new scripts, then go back to your juicebox and your fruit roll-up – because top salespeople DO use scripts, and they are constantly improving them.

How do you think new pharmaceuticals are manufactured. They EXPERIMENT to see what works. I also recommend that you experiment with drugs, and try new scripts.

OK, OK, OK. Show me the freakin' example scripts already.

🔥 I want to show you all this stuff! … I've come up with a lot of unique scripts, templates, and approaches.

You can have a look at my "Sales Likelihood Calculator" – a little game I made based on MEDDPICC that helps sales reps, biz owners, & founders to think about their deals and the opportunities in their pipeline.

Rowe Morehouse

July 31, 2024
From the desk of Rowe Morehouse

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