#1 Product Of The Day on Product Hunt

MEDDPICC Sales Calculator

Will They Buy? – Estimate The Probability w/ This Free Game!

Calculator instructions: ① Review the "Sales Green Light Conditions" that indicate your deal is likely to close. ② Attack the red squares to check them off. You want the whole board to turn green. ③ You'll learn MEDDPICC Sales Framework. 5-min timer to complete the game! New  Launched July 13 2024.

Meddpicc Sales Calculator Game CharacterMEDDPICC Sales Calculator

🔥 #1 Product Of The Day on Product Hunt.

Sales Likelihood Calculator — Will They Buy? – Estimate The Probability w/ This Free Game! | Product Hunt

What is this Sales Calculator / Free Game?

Play the game Sales Likelihood Calculator.

Well, it's not really a game, because closing a deal could mean whether or not you're gonna be able to make the payments on the Lambo, bro! 🤪

But in all seriousness Sales Likelihood Calculator is a free game that teaches you about sales.

It takes about 5 minutes, and it helps you think about the deals in your pipeline to see if you've met the conditions that make a buyer more likely to buy.

Deceptively simple, but highly sophisticated in improving your your mindset, analysis, and tactical next-steps.

It's a checklist, really, and a useful tool for sales reps, biz owners, and SALES MANAGERS to evaluate their deals and their pipeline and their projected MRR or annual contract value. You could even use it to try to calculate your own future $$$ commissions.

For example, and this is a common mistake:

①  Do you know who is actually going to be signing the check? … That's The Economic Buyer – and they usually have the power to say no when other people are saying yes – or vice versa.

Also, have you identified the steps in their Procurement Process – also called Paper Process? do you know what reviews your are going to have to go through, like legal or cyber-security, and which documents and signatures you are going to have to get, according them them, in order for the deal to actually be considered closed tight?

🚨 This is often overlooked. Even though your contact person (your Champion) is totally enthusiastic, and says it's a sure thing, you don't want to get knee-capped by their Procurement Process.

You don't want be saying “oh yah! - it's gonna close …” then next week have to go to your boss and say, “… oh, looks like they're going to wait until next quarter.” – because you didn't have the right conditions in place.

Those are sales obstacles that you want to identify early, and Sales Likelihood Calculator shows you how – via a little game you can play in your browser or on your phone.

Play the game Sales Likelihood Calculator.

 Please support us at Product Hunt because we are competing for Product of the Month.

Sales Likelihood Calculator — Will They Buy? – Estimate The Probability w/ This Free Game! | Product Hunt

Been wanting to "learn sales?" (spend some time w/ this)

My Version of MEDDPICC, used for the MEDDPICC Sales Calculator

MEDDPICC is a useful Sales Framework or Sales Discovery Methodology.
It's an acronym that stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criterion, Decision Process, Procurement Process, Identify Pain, Champion, and Competition.
Statistics & data that prove your offer adds value & will impact the numbers they care about the most. Metrics are measures of value like dollars, hours; expressed as percentages, fractions, or multiples of revenue, time saved, costs cut, risks mitigated – or whatever key metrics your prospect uses internally to measure business success.
Economic Buyer
The person holding the $$ purse who has ultimate authority to approve your deal. That person usually has the power to say no when others say yes, and vice versa.
Decision Criterion
The formal or informal criterion they're using to evaluate each potential provider or vendor. Each criteria almost always has a relative priority or weighting. Must-haves, vs nice-to-haves, etc.
Decision Process
The formal or informal process, timelines, key actions, and key people involved in the purchase decision.
Procurement Process
The specific steps or actions ahead of you getting your contract signed, as defined by them. Their organization's documents and processes you must follow to secure final signatures. A required legal review or cybersecurity review on their end, for example.
Identify Pain
Pain is a business problem or compelling event an organization is facing and trying to fix. Pain is easy to see; even bad sellers can identify pain. Good sellers surface the pain, implicate the pain, agitate the pain. With no pain there is no problem, and w/ no problem there is no urgency, so call ya next quarter, buddy.
The key individual (your contact person) at the buying organization who is mostly aligned with you, and will sell your solution up-the-chain to their boss, executive sponsors, etc.
Your typical competition, or the other mostly-similar providers or vendors they're currently considering. Importantly, you're also competing against their status quo (doing nothing) – AND you're competing against other initiatives at their org which may be getting more priority or attention.

The Game includes a full explanation of how to interpret your score & exactly what you need to do (tactics) to close the deal.

Play the game Sales Likelihood Calculator.

 Please support us at Product Hunt because we are competing for Product of the Month.

Sales Likelihood Calculator — Will They Buy? – Estimate The Probability w/ This Free Game! | Product Hunt